
for_each to call terraform module multiple times

Rfc Contributing Community

RFC: for_each - looping variables to call module multiple times

STATUS: Won’t Implement


Oftentimes it is desirable to repeatedly apply a module multiple times with only a few modifications. This is common when you have a canonical way to provision resources and need to quickly produce copies with one or two modifications. For example, in Kubernetes, you might have a Namespace factory module that provisions Namespaces in a canonical way that you configure with a common set of variables, and the only thing that differs across multiple Namespaces is the name.

Another use case is in achieving compliance with the CIS benchmark for AWS. One of the requirements in the benchmark is that you need to enable AWS Config in all enabled regions on your account. In this case, you would want to loop over each enabled region and run the module that provisions and configures AWS Config using the same args.

Ideally, we can handle this in the Terraform module by looping over module blocks:

module "aws_config" {
  for_each = var.all_enabled_regions
  region   = each.key

  # additional arguments omitted for brevity

However, as of 0.12.7, this is still not available. That said, this is being developed and there is reason to believe that this will eventually be available, especially since, starting with Terraform 0.12.0, count and for_each has been reserved on module blocks. What is not known is how long it will take before for_each is implemented on modules.

There are a few advantages to a Terragrunt implementation of for_each to call modules repeatedly with different parameters:

  • Provide a workaround sooner than Terraform might implement module for_each and count.
  • You can keep separate state files for each module call. While this does not help with isolation of blast radius (due to the looping interface), this helps with isolating access to individual state files. For example, you can adjust the remote state config such that the bucket is parameterized by the looping argument, allowing you to store the state of each module call in a different S3 bucket.
  • You can allow separate IAM roles for each loop iteration. This can be done if you parameterize the iam_role property with the looping argument.

For this reason, it is worth contemplating a possible implementation path for supporting iteration in Terragrunt to repeatedly call a module with different parameters. Note when considering an implementation, it is important to optimize for speed of implementation and simplicity, since it is very likely that this feature will be made obsolete by for_each on module blocks.

Proposed solution

We decided to go with Option 1 where we will not implement any new features in Terragrunt to specifically handle this use case, given the complexity of the task involved and the relative short lifespan of such a feature. If you have a need for replicating modules, we recommend using a code generation tool to templatize your Terraform modules.


Option 1: Null option - do nothing

Since we already know Terraform wants to support looping module blocks, we can make the conclusion to wait for Terraform to implement it as opposed to implementing a workaround in Terragrunt.


  • Keeps Terragrunt clean, since no new code is introduced.
  • Relies on official solution. We don’t want to introduce workarounds in Terragrunt unless it is absolutely necessary and unlikely to be supported officially in Terraform.


  • We must wait for Hashicorp to implement the feature. Given how the resources, data sources, and providers work in module blocks, looping modules is a reasonably complex feature, both in terms of state representation and resource management. As such, this is expected to take some time, as described in the 0.12 preview.

Option 2: for_each attribute in terragrunt config that “generates” multiple copies of the config


In this approach, looping is handled at the top level using a new attribute named for_each to mimic the for_each construct in Terraform. For example:

# terragrunt.hcl
for_each = ["us-east-1", "us-west-1"]

inputs = {
  region = each.value

Internally, this will translate to multiple copies of config.TerragruntConfig structs, one for each item in the for_each collection with each.value interpolated to the value for that item. Then, Terragrunt will run the command on each config in a loop.

One challenge with this approach is that the state needs to be unique for each item in the for_each collection to avoid conflict in the state file. Since each call is a separate module call, having each one share state will result in each call stepping over each other. Therefore, it is important that this implementation add a guard to ensure the remote state file is unique per iteration.

To support this, there should be a way to partially patch the remote_state config that is inherited from a parent. For example, we should be able to do the following:

Parent terragrunt.hcl

remote_state {
  backend = "s3"
  config = {
    bucket         = "my-terraform-state"
    key            = "${path_relative_to_include()}/terraform.tfstate"
    region         = "us-east-1"
    encrypt        = true
    dynamodb_table = "my-lock-table"

Child terragrunt.hcl

for_each = ["us-east-1", "us-west-1"]

remote_state {
  # Added for backwards compatibility. This should default to false, so that existing config overrides completely as
  # opposed to partially.
  merge_parent = true

  config = {
    key = "dev/${each.value}/_global/aws-config/terraform.tfstate"

inputs = {
  region = each.value

In this setup, the remote_state block in the child terragrunt.hcl should be used to patch the parent remote_state block, as opposed to completely replacing it as it is now in the current behavior. This way, you can still keep your remote_state config DRY while only updating the relevant pieces to support iteration.

Implementation detail

To implement this, the following changes need to be made:

  • ParseConfigFile, ParseConfigString, PartialParseConfigFile, and PartialParseConfigString need to be updated to return list of TerragruntConfig structs, as opposed to a single one.
  • Each caller of parsing functions need to accordingly handle the list of TerragruntConfig objects. As a part of this, the caller should loop through each config to run the commands in the context of each iteration of the expanded loop.
  • The terragrunt workspace logic needs to be updated to ensure a separate module folder is created for each loop iteration.
  • The parsing functions need to be updated to first parse the for_each attribute. Then, the parser should iterate each item in the list and set the each variable accordingly as it parses the rest of the config. This means the parsing order is now adjusted as:
    • for_each and expand loop.
    • locals
    • include
    • dependency
    • Everything else
  • Support merge_parent in remote_state, which ultimately adjusts how mergeConfigWithIncludedConfig merges the child remote_state config with the parent.
Pros and Cons of approach


  • Parallels for_each in Terraform. In the examples I used list, but the implementation details can mimic that of Terraform (requiring set or map). That way, the syntax closely resembles an existing construct and thus it will be easier to pick up.
  • Limited changes are necessary in the user config to add in iteration.
  • The config parser implementation is relatively simple.


  • The implementation of the runners can become complex, especially in the dependency detection for the xxx-all commands. If dependency blocks are parameterized by looping, this can be hairy to unpack and expand into the dependency graph if the terragrunt files don’t exist.
  • The logic for expanding out the loop for the terragrunt cache is complex as it is not immediately obvious what the folder structure should be. Should it be a hash of the iteration value appended to the working path (e.g .terragrunt-cache/HASH_OF_EACH_VALUE/path/to/workspace)? Or should it be one cache per iteration value (e.g HASH_OF_EACH_VALUE/.terragrunt-cache/path/to/workspace)?
  • Implementation requires a major refactor in the calling logic post parsing.
  • It is not immediately obvious how to handle removing an item in the for_each list. A naive approach would not run terragrunt destroy on that module. Additionally, as stated, it is impossible to run the command on a single item in the list and thus you can’t destroy just the items you want to remove without doing complex dancing (e.g update the for_each list to only reference the items you want to destroy, then run terragrunt destroy to destroy just those items, and then restore the list to the version with the items removed).

Option 3: scaffolding tool that code gens live config using a template

Instead of implementing looping within the terragrunt execution logic, this approach proposes generating the live config through templating. The idea here would be to use a templating tool (e.g cookiecutter) to render each live config parameterized by some list value that will then generate the folder structure.

In this approach, no change is necessary within Terragrunt to support this other than perhaps documentation and examples to demonstrate the approach.


  • Keeps Terragrunt clean, since no new code is introduced.
  • Available workaround now, without any work.


  • Code generation is complex.
    • When should you run the code generation step?
    • How often?
    • How do you know if there is drift?
    • Do you check in the generated code? If so, you have to maintain it (e.g., 19 sets of files/folders for 19 AWS regions). If it’s always generated at runtime, then interacting with just one of the generated things becomes harder.
  • Removing an iteration still requires a bit of a dance. You need to terragrunt destroy the relevant folder, then remove that folder, and then remove the corresponding item from the iteration list.
  • Users now need to learn a templating tool and language, on top of Terragrunt and Terraform.
  • It is not immediately obvious where these templates should live. Is it a part of infrastructure-modules? infrastructure-live? Or a completely separate repo?
