
Custom Log Format


Custom Log Format

Using the --terragrunt-log-custom-format <format> flag you can customize the way Terragrunt logs with total control over the logging format.

The argument passed to this flag is a Terragrunt native format string that has special syntax, as described below.


The format string consists of placeholders and text. Placeholders start with the % sign.


--terragrunt-log-custom-format "%time %level %msg"


10:09:19.809 debug Running command: tofu --version

To escape the % character, use %%.


--terragrunt-log-custom-format "%time %level %%msg"


10:09:19.809 debug %msg

Placeholders have preset names:

  • %time - Current time.

  • %interval - Seconds elapsed since Terragrunt started.

  • %level - Log level.

  • %prefix - Path to the working directory were Terragrunt is running.

  • %msg - Log message.

  • %tf-path - Path to the OpenTofu/Terraform executable (as defined by terragrunt-tfpath).

  • %tf-command-args - Arguments of the executed OpenTofu/Terraform command.

  • %t - Tab.

  • %n - Newline.

Any other text is considered plain text.


--terragrunt-log-custom-format "time=%time level=%level message=%msg"


time=00:10:44.716 level=debug message=Running command: tofu --version

Using the placeholder as shown above will display the value simply. If you would like to format the value, you can pass options to the placeholder.

Placeholder formatting uses the following syntax:

%placeholder-name(option-name=option-value, option-name=option-value,...)


--terragrunt-log-custom-format "%time(format='Y-m-d H:i:sv') %level(format=short,case=upper) %msg"


2024-11-12 11:52:20.214 DEB Running command: tofu --version

In this example, the timestamp (as referenced by the %time placeholder) has been formatted with the format string Y-m-d H:i:sv. Similarly, the log level (as referenced by the %level placeholder), has been formatted to use the short format, and upper case.

Even if you don’t pass options, the empty parenthesis are added implicitly. Thus %time is equivalent to %time(). Parenthesis are considered part of the syntax for specifying parameters to placeholders by default. Any parenthesis following a placeholder will be interpreted as specifying the parameters for the placeholder function.


--terragrunt-log-custom-format "%time(plain-text)"


invalid option name "plain-text" for placeholder "time"

If you would like to escape parentheses so that they appear as plain text in logs, make sure to use empty parentheses after a placeholder so that the following parentheses are not evaluated as specifying parameters for the placeholder function.


--terragrunt-log-custom-format "%time()(plain-text)"



You can format plain text as well by using an unnamed placeholder.


--terragrunt-log-custom-format "%(content='time=',color=magenta)%time %(content='level=',color=light-blue)%level %(content='msg=',color=green)%msg"


time=12:33:08.513 level=debug msg=Running command: tofu --version

Unfortunately, it is not possible to display color in a Markdown document, but in the above output, time= is colored magenta, level= is colored light blue and msg= is colored green.



Options can be divided into common ones, which can be passed to any placeholder, and specific ones for each placeholder.

Common options:

  • content=<text> - Sets a placeholder value, typically used to set the initial value of an unnamed placeholder.

  • case=[upper|lower|capitalize] - Sets the case of the text.

  • width=<number> - Sets the column width.

  • align=[left|center|right] - Aligns content relative to the edges of the column, used in conjunction with width.

  • prefix=<text> - Prepends the prefix to the content. If the content of the placeholder is empty, the prefix will not be prepended.

  • suffix=<text>- Appends the suffix to the content. If the content of the placeholder is empty, the suffix will not be appended.

  • escape=[json] - Escapes content for use as a value in a JSON string.

  • color=[red|white|yellow|green|cayn|magenta|blue|...] - Sets the color for the content.

    • 1..255 - Specifies a color using a number, 1 to 255

    • red|white|yellow|green|cyan|magenta|blue|light-blue|light-black|light-red|light-green|light-yellow|light-magenta|light-cyan|light-white - Specifies a color using a word

    • gradient - Specifies to use a different color each time the placeholder content changes.

    • preset - Specifies to use preset colors. For example, each log level name has its own preset color.

    • disable - Disables color, also removes colors set in terraform/tofu output.

Specific options for placeholders:

  • %level

    • format=[full|short|tiny] - Specifies the format for log level names.

      • full - stdout, stderr, error, warn, info, debug, trace

      • short - std, err, wrn, inf, deb, trc

      • tiny - s, e, w, i, d, t

  • %time

    • format=<time-format> - Sets the time format.

      Preset formats:

      • date-time - e.g. 2006-01-02 15:04:05

      • date-only - e.g. 2006-01-02

      • time-only - e.g. 15:04:05

      • rfc3339 - e.g. 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00

      • rfc3339-nano - e.g. 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00

      Custom format string characters:

      • H - 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros, 00 to 23

      • h - 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros, 01 to 12

      • g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros, 1 to 12

      • i - Minutes with leading zeros, 00 to 59

      • s - Seconds with leading zeros, 00 to 59

      • v - Milliseconds. e.g. .654

      • u - Microseconds, e.g. .654321

      • Y - A full numeric representation of a year, e.g. 1999, 2003

      • y - A two digit representation of a year, e.g. 99, 03

      • m - Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros, 01 to 12

      • n - Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros, 1 to 12

      • M - A short textual representation of a month, three letters, Jan to Dec

      • d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros, 01 to 31

      • j - Day of the month without leading zeros, 1 to 31

      • D - A textual representation of a day, three letters, Mon to Sun

      • A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem, AM or PM

      • a - Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem, am or pm

      • T - Timezone abbreviation, e.g. EST, MDT

      • P - Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) with colon between hours and minutes, e.g. +02:00

      • O - Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) without colon between hours and minutes, e.g. +0200

  • %prefix

    • path=[relative|short-relative|short]

      • relative - Outputs a relative path to the working directory.

      • short-relative - Outputs a relative path to the working directory, trims the leading slash ./ and hides the working directory path .

      • short - Outputs an absolute path, but hides the working directory path.

  • %tf-path

    • path=[filename|dir]

      • filename - Outputs the name of the executable.

      • dir - Outputs the directory name of the executable.

  • %msg

    • path=[relative]

      • relative - Converts all absolute paths to paths relative to the working directory.


The examples below replicate the preset formats specified with --terragrunt-log-format. They can be useful if you need to change existing formats to suit your needs.

--terragrunt-log-format pretty

--terragrunt-log-custom-format "%time(color=light-black) %level(case=upper,width=6,color=preset) %prefix(path=short-relative,color=gradient,suffix=' ')%tf-path(color=cyan,suffix=': ')%msg(path=relative)"

--terragrunt-log-format bare

--terragrunt-forward-tf-stdout --terragrunt-log-custom-format "%level(case=upper,width=4)[%interval] %msg %prefix(path=short,prefix='prefix=[',suffix=']')"

--terragrunt-log-format key-value

--terragrunt-log-custom-format "time=%time(format=rfc3339) level=%level prefix=%prefix(path=short-relative) tf-path=%tf-path(path=filename) msg=%msg(path=relative,color=disable)"

--terragrunt-log-format json

--terragrunt-log-custom-format '{"time":"%time(format=rfc3339,escape=json)", "level":"%level(escape=json)", "prefix":"%prefix(path=short-relative,escape=json)", "tf-path":"%tf-path(path=filename,escape=json)", "msg":"%msg(path=relative,escape=json,color=disable)"}'