
Terragrunt supports operating in a mode referred to as “Experiment Mode”.

Experiment Mode is a set of controls that can be enabled to opt-in to experimental features before they’re stable. These features are subject to change and may be removed or altered at any time. They generally provide early access to new features or changes that are being considered for inclusion in future releases.

Those experiments will be documented here so that you know the following:

  1. What the experiment is.
  2. What the experiment does.
  3. How to provide feedback on the experiment.
  4. What criteria must be met for the experiment to be considered stable.

Sometimes, the criteria for an experiment to be considered stable is unknown, as there may not be a clear path to stabilization. In that case, this will be noted in the experiment documentation, and collaboration with the community will be encouraged to help determine the future of the experiment.

Controlling Experiment Mode

The simplest way to enable experiment mode is to set the experiment-mode flag.

This will enable experiment mode for all Terragrunt commands, for all experiments (note that this isn’t generally recommended, unless you are following Terragrunt development closely and are prepared for the possibility of breaking changes).

terragrunt plan --experiment-mode

You can also use the environment variable, which can be more useful in CI/CD pipelines:

TERRAGRUNT_EXPERIMENT_MODE='true' terragrunt plan

Instead of enabling experiment mode, you can also enable specific experiments by setting the experiment flag to a value that’s specific to a experiment. This can allow you to experiment with a specific unstable feature that you think might be useful to you.

terragrunt plan --experiment symlinks

Again, you can also use the environment variable, which can be more useful in CI/CD pipelines:

TERRAGRUNT_EXPERIMENT='symlinks' terragrunt plan

You can also enable multiple experiments at once with a comma delimited list.

TODO: Will add an example here once there’s more than one officially supported experiment. The existing experiments are scattered throughout configuration, so they need to be pulled into this system first.

Active Experiments

The following strict mode controls are available:

Support symlink resolution for Terragrunt units.

By default, Terragrunt will ignore symlinks when determining which units it should run. By enabling this experiment, Terragrunt will resolve symlinks and add them to the list of units being run.

Provide your feedback on the Experiment: Symlinks discussion.

To stabilize this feature, the following need to be resolved, at a minimum:

  • Ensure that symlink support continues to work for users referencing symlinks in flags. See #3622.
    • Add integration tests for all filesystem flags to confirm support with symlinks (or document the fact that they cannot be supported).
  • Ensure that MacOS integration tests still work. See #3616.
    • Add integration tests for MacOS in CI.


Support for Terragrunt stacks.

stacks - What it does

Enable stack command to manage Terragrunt stacks.

stacks - How to provide feedback

Share your experience with the stack command in the Stacks RFC. Feedback is crucial for ensuring the feature meets real-world use cases. Please include:

  • Any bugs or issues encountered (including logs or stack traces if possible).
  • Suggestions for additional improvements or enhancements.

stacks - Criteria for stabilization

To transition the stacks feature to a stable release, the following must be addressed:

  • Add support for stack run * command
  • Add support for stack output commands to extend stack-level operations.
  • Add support for stack “values”.
  • Add support for recursive stacks.
  • Integration testing for recursive stack handling across typical workflows, ensuring smooth transitions during plan, apply, and destroy operations.
  • Confirm compatibility with parallelism flags (e.g., --parallel), especially for stacks with dependencies.
  • Ensure that error handling and failure recovery strategies work as intended across large and nested stacks.


Support for the new Terragrunt CLI design.

cli-redesign - What it does

Enable features from the CLI Redesign RFC.

This includes:

  • Addition of the run command.
  • Addition of the exec command.

cli-redesign - How to provide feedback

Share your experience with these features in the CLI Redesign RFC. Feedback is crucial for ensuring the feature meets real-world use cases. Please include:

  • Any bugs or issues encountered (including logs or stack traces if possible).
  • Suggestions for additional improvements or enhancements.

cli-redesign - Criteria for stabilization

To transition cli-redesign features to a stable release, the following must be addressed:

  • Add support for run command.
    • Add support for basic usage of the run command (e.g., terragrunt run plan, terragrunt run -- plan -no-color).
    • Add support for the --all flag.
    • Add support for the --graph flag.
  • Add support for exec command.
  • Rename legacy --terragrunt- prefixed flags so that they no longer need the prefix.
  • Add the hcl command, replacing commands like hclfmt, hclvalidate and validate-inputs.
  • Add OpenTofu commands as explicit shortcuts in the CLI instead of forwarding all unknown commands to OpenTofu/Terraform.
  • Add support for the backend command.
  • Add support for the render command.
  • Add support for the info command.
  • Add support for the dag command.
  • Add support for the find command.
    • Add support for find without flags.
    • Add support for find with colorful output.
    • Add support for find with --format=json flag.
    • Add support for find with stdout redirection detection.
    • Add support for find with --hidden flag.
    • Add support for find with --sort=alpha flag.
    • Add support for find with --sort=dag flag.
    • Add support for find with the exclude block used to exclude units from the search.
    • Add integration with symlinks experiment to support finding units/stacks via symlinks.
    • Add handling of broken configurations or configurations requiring authentication.
    • Add integration test for find with --sort=dag flag on all the fixtures in the test/fixtures directory.
  • Add support for the list command.
    • Add support for list without flags.
    • Add support for list with colorful output.
    • Add support for list with --format=tree flag.
    • Add support for list with --format=long flag.
    • Add support for list with stdout redirection detection.
    • Add support for list with --hidden flag.
    • Add support for list with --sort=alpha flag.
    • Add support for list with --sort=dag flag.
    • Add support for list with --group-by=fs flag.
    • Add support for list with --group-by=dag flag.
    • Add support for list with the exclude block used to exclude units from the search.
    • Add integration with symlinks experiment to support listing units/stacks via symlinks.
    • Add handling of broken configurations or configurations requiring authentication.
    • Add integration test for list with --sort=dag flag on all the fixtures in the test/fixtures directory.


Support for Terragrunt Content Addressable Storage (CAS).

cas - What it does

Allow Terragrunt to store and retrieve state files from a Content Addressable Storage (CAS) system.

At the moment, the CAS is only used to speed up catalog cloning, but in the future, it can be used to store more content.

cas - How to provide feedback

Share your experience with this feature in the CAS Feedback GitHub Discussion. Feedback is crucial for ensuring the feature meets real-world use cases. Please include:

  • Any bugs or issues encountered (including logs or stack traces if possible).
  • Suggestions for additional improvements or enhancements.

cas - Criteria for stabilization

To transition the cas feature to a stable release, the following must be addressed:

  • Add support for storing and retrieving catalog repositories from the CAS.
  • Add support for storing and retrieving OpenTofu/Terraform modules from the CAS.
  • Add support for storing and retrieving Unit/Stack configurations from the CAS.