
IaC Engines


IAC Engines

IaC engines allow you to customize and configure how IaC updates are orchestrated by Terragrunt. This feature is still experimental and not recommended for general production usage.

To try it out, all you need to do is include the following in your terragrunt.hcl:

engine {
  source  = ""
  version = "v0.0.5"

This example leverages the official OpenTofu engine, publicly available on GitHub.

This engine currently leverages the locally available installation of the tofu binary, just like Terragrunt does by default without use of engine configurations. It provides a convenient example of how to build engines for Terragrunt.

In the future, this plugin will expand in capability to include additional features and configurations.

Use Cases

IaC Engines were introduced in order to offer advanced users of Terragrunt a level of customization over how exactly IaC updates are performed with a given set of Terragrunt configurations.

Without usage of IaC Engines, Terragrunt will determine how IaC updates are going to be performed by doing things like invoking the tofu or terraform binary directly. For most users, this is fine.

However, advanced users have more complex use cases that require more control over how those IaC updates are executed, given certain Terragrunt configurations.


  • Emitting custom logging or metrics whenever the tofu binary is executed.
  • Running tofu in a remote environment, such as a separate Kubernetes pod from the one executing Terragrunt.
  • Using different versions of tofu for different Terragrunt configurations in the same run-all execution.

HTTPS Sources

Use an HTTP(S) URL to specify the path to the plugin:

engine {
  source  = ""

Local Sources

Specify a local absolute path as the source:

engine {
   source  = "/home/users/iac-engines/terragrunt-iac-engine-opentofu_v0.0.1"


  • source: (Required) The source of the plugin. Multiple engine approaches are supported, including GitHub repositories, HTTP(S) paths, and local absolute paths.
  • version: (Required for GitHub) The version of the plugin to download from GitHub releases.
  • type: (Optional) Currently, the only supported type is rpc.
  • meta: (Optional) A block for setting plugin-specific metadata. This can include various configuration settings required by the plugin.


Engines are cached locally by default to enhance performance and minimize repeated downloads.

The cached engines are stored in the following directory:


If you need to use a different path, set the environment variable TG_ENGINE_CACHE_PATH accordingly.

Downloaded engines are checked for integrity using the SHA256 checksum GPG key. If the checksum does not match, the engine is not executed. To disable this feature, set the environment variable:


Due to the fact that this functionality is still experimental, and not recommended for general production usage, set the following environment variable to opt-in to this functionality:


Engine Metadata

The meta block is used to pass metadata to the engine. This metadata can be used to configure the engine or pass additional information to the engine.

The metadata block is a map of key-value pairs. Plugins can read the information passed via the metadata map to configure themselves or to pass additional information to the engine.

engine {
   source  = "/home/users/iac-engines/my-custom-plugin"
   # Optionally set metadata for the plugin.
   meta = { 
     key_1 = ["value1", "value2"]
     key_2 = "1.6.0"

Configurations you might want to set with meta include:

  • Connection configurations
  • Tool versions
  • Feature flags
  • Other configurations that the engine might want to be variable in different terragrunt.hcl files